What does a Virtual Patient consist of?

Medical history

Learn to interview the patient

A well-collected interview is the first step towards a correct diagnosis, so it is crucial to learn how to conduct it at the very beginning of your medical career. You will succeed with us!

Extensive question database

Initially, you may not even know what to ask - a huge database of questions gathered in our system will allow you to remember professional phrases and practice them during a conversation with a virtual patient.

Realistic conversation

When a virtual patient reports an irregularity, you will deepen the interview by asking more detailed questions.
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What does a Virtual Patient consist of?

Physical examination

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Many ways to examine

In Medcases, patient examination resembles reality - you can examine the virtual patient in any possible way.

Examine by sight, hearing, touch and percussion

A neurological examination is also available, which is an addition to the above mentioned methods.
What does a Virtual Patient consist of?

Additional tests

Learn to use tests

We perform them in order to carry out differential diagnosis and confirm the final diagnosis. With us, you will learn which tests to order so that they bring diagnostic value and do not introduce unnecessary chaos.

A lot of tests

Choose from a wide list of additional tests: imaging, laboratory, microbiological or specialist.

Varied sources

Some studies, in addition to a description, contain pictures or sound files

Cost of diagnosis

Each test has its own specific monetary value, thanks to which you will better understand the actual costs of diagnostics
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What does a Virtual Patient consist of?


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Make a correct diagnosis

The next step after a thorough examination of the virtual patient is to make the correct diagnosis.

Patient chart

To heal well, you need to know what you're treating. Go through the patient's chart again, where you will find all the information collected and make a diagnosis! We keep our fingers crossed

List of diagnosis

Choose from the list of diagnoses, additionally marked with ICD10 codes - getting used to them will certainly be useful in the doctor's later work.
What does a Virtual Patient consist of?


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Apply treatment

The correct diagnosis is only a part of success. The most important thing is to relieve the virtual patient from their suffering.

Prescribe medication

Order the proper medication at the correct dose, route and administration time.

Observe how the patient feels

In summary, you will find out whether your treatment is consistent with the one we proposed and the most important thing - whether your patient felt better!
What does a Virtual Patient consist of?



It is a real mine of knowledge about your Virtual Patient. You will learn what you did correctly and what elements need to be refined.

Knowledge and discussion

This is the place where you can read the commentary of the author who prepared the case and chat with the author and other users. Remember, by teaching others, you will understand the subject better yourself. Take advantage of this opportunity.

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Medical Students value Medcases

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"I really like the idea of this application. It is a great help in studying medical sciences. I have been with Medcases practically from the beginning and followed its progress. I am in the 3rd year of my studies and see how much this application helps me in my clinical classes. I can recall the order of a physical examination in a manner we do during the classes. It is also an excellent repetition of the diseases discussed on theoretical subjects that I have now at university."
Medical student
"Medcases is a great interactive form of learning. The cases are interesting and allow you to learn patterns and how to interview and examine a patient. It is beneficial in the consolidation of medical knowledge. It is worth adding that the site is clear and easy to use, facilitating quick learning."
Medical student


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